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Muchima warns negligent schools


Mary Kachepa-Acting Education Minister ELIJAH MUCHIMA says government will deregister private schools that will be found to have been negligent in the recent deaths of pupils in schools.

And Mr. MUCHIMA says appropriate action will be taken against Head teachers and their management teams that will be found wanting in public schools.

He says the ministry is currently scrutinizing reports that have been received over the incidences.

Mr. MUCHIMA said this in the National Assembly when he delivered a Ministerial statement on what steps are being taken to address issues of child safety in schools.

Recently, four secondary school girls were defiled while two learners died after encountering hazardous objects and four boys in Mazabuka drowned as they were allegedly undergoing cadet drills.

Mr. MUCHIMA said government mourns with the bereaved families adding that the recent happenings in schools are a source of great concern to the public and the ministry of education.

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