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MMD Hits Muchinga

Movement for Multi party Democracy (MMD) National Secretary Rapheal Nakacinda is worried that the mess in the E-voucher system will affect farmers in Muchinga Province.

The MMD leadership is in Muchinga Province for mobilisation programmes in the Province making its first stop in Chama District where the National Secretary of the party Raphael Nakacinda met party officials for an indoor meeting.

During the indoor meeting the MMD CEO called on members to reorganise themselves so that the party can return its status as the biggest political party with members in all conners of the country.

Nakacinda told party officials that people in the country are waiting to see a reorganised MMD which would effectively participate in the governance of the country.

He called on members not to concentrate on whether the party will participate in 2021 but ensure that the MMD is in shape to take part in any election at any level, saying “before you cook nshima you need to ensure that you have all the requirements for preparing nshima in place.”

Meanwhile Nakacinda told journalist that MMD had observed the need for government to quickly move in as regards averting the impending hunger situation in the Province.

He said the people in the  Province were hard-working but that their produce would be affected due to the mess in the E-voucher program.

He called on the new Agriculture Minister to hit the ground running in his portfolio so as to ensure that the situation does not turn into a crisis.

“The new appointed Minister of Agriculture has to hit the road running, the situation on the ground in Muchinga in so far as agriculture policy is concerned is very telling.

“There is looming hunger in the province. Our people here are very hard working particularly here in Chama were you have people that grow a lot of cotton but the price is very low, they grow a lot of rice which unfortunately is subjected to briefcase buying and we have the maize which is the staple food which also to some extent has been affected by the failure of the E-voucher program.

“I think we need to have government move in swiftly to put measures by making sure that the threatening hunger situation is mitigated so the new Minister of Agriculture must up his game and hit the road running and we expect results to begin to show that government is taking measures before this becomes a disaster,” he said

Nakacinda is accompanied by Chairperson for Tourism Mary Phiri, Chairperson for Education Henry Mulenga, MMD 2016 candidate for Chama South Julius Chibanga and Provincial officials among others.


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