Legalise trade at Mwami, Muchinji border posts – KAUNDA

Lufola Nkowane – Zambia’s High Commissioner to Malawi, PANJI KAUNDA says the country is ready to legalise trade at Mwami and Muchinji border posts.

Colonel KAUNDA says Zambia wants to ensure trading activities at the two border posts are harmonised for the benefit of the two countries.

He says once the Malawian government puts in place the necessary regulation, legal trading activities are expected to start.

Colonel KAUNDA was speaking when he met Lands Minister, ELIJAH MUCHIMA, at KAMUZU BANDA International Airport in Lilongwe, Malawi.

And Mr. MUCHIMA said Zambia is a land-linked country, whose trade interaction with neighbouring countries, has greatly contributed to the economy.

Mr. MUCHIMA is in MALAWI to represent Vice President, MUTALE NALUMANGO at the SADC meeting for Ministers responsible for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Zambia is among the 12 SADC member states attending the meeting, which runs from July 17 to 20, 2022.

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