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Kasanda espionage case to be held in camera


Hannock Kasama


The Lusaka High Court has ruled that trial of the espionage case involving business man SHADRICK KASANDA and four others will be held in camera

KASANDA and four others are linked to the alleged Gold Scam uncovered at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport.

The ruling comes on the back drop of the application filed by the state last week.

Lusaka High Court Judge RUTH CHIBBABBUKA sitting with two other judges -CHARLES ZULU and SITUMBEKO CHOCHO delivered the ruling.

Judge CHIBBABBUKA has allowed the state’s argument that trial of Mr. KASANDA’s espionage case in open court shall be prejudicial to the interest of the country.

She has relied on Section 15 of the State Security Act.

Judge CHIBBABBUKA has since emphasized that only accused persons, defence lawyers, prosecution lawyers and witnesses shall be attending trial.

Judge CHIBBABBUKA has also ruled that regarding court officials, apart from judges only the court reporters and marshals shall be allowed in the proceedings.

Meanwhile Mr. KASANDA and his co-accused have denied the charge of espionage.

Mr. KASANDA’s co-accused are LUSAKA business man JIM BELEMU along with KENNETH KAUNDA, International Airport Police Commanding Officer ROBSON MOONGA, State Security Officer FRANCIS MATEYO and Commercial Pilot PATRICK KAWANU.

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