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By Wilson Mulinda:

Former Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has called on police officers to support and work closely with the new police command.

Mr. Kanganja says he is confident that the police service is in safe hands with the new command.

He has also asked new Inspector General of Police Lemmy Kajoba and his administration to prioritize the needs of officers and keep them motivated.

Mr. Kanganja said the construction of Police housing units is one of the many successes scored in uplifting the livelihood of officers.

He has also thanked former President Edgar Lungu for giving him the opportunity to serve the Zambian people for 6 years.

Mr. Kanganja was speaking during his send off parade at the Lilayi Police College.

Meanwhile, Mr.  Kajoba thanked Mr. Kanganja for his selfless dedication to duty.

Mr. Kajoba said Mr. Kanganja will go down in the police history books as one of the longest serving inspector Generals who put the interests of officers above his.

And Lilayi Police College Commandant Charles Mbita said Mr. Kanganja knew how to motivate recruits who have since been promoted to various ranks.

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