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Kambwili Wants To Be Paid To Tone Down-Sunday Chanda


6th February 2018 – Embattled Roan Member of Parliament, Chishimba Kambwili cannot deny that he has been making frantic efforts to apologise to the Republican President Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu. Kambwili is not being candid enough and has continued to dupe his unsuspecting followers that he stands on firm ground when in fact not.

We challenge Kambwili to deny that he has not sent emissaries to convince the Head of State to instruct parastatals such as ZESCO to pay him Five Million Kwacha (K5million) on the assurance that he would tone down on attacks against the PF administration. Yet Kambwili knows that President Lungu is not a procurement officer at ZESCO. It’s clear that Kambwili’s rantings are calculated as a bargaining chip to force the President and Patriotic Front into talking to him – but he knows that President Lungu and PF will not sink that low and Kambwili can therefore have all the time on earth to raise false corruption allegations.

It is immoral that Kambwili should use NDC as a tool for debt collection while hoodwinking the rest of his unsuspecting followers. Its immoral that Kambwili wants Zambians to believe he is fighting his alleged corruption when he is ready to give up or tone down if the President facilitated payments allegedly owed to him by parastatals. He is ready to auction what he calls a fight against corruption. Sadly, for him, President Lungu is a principled leader who is not going to be blackmailed by political flukes.

Further, we are calling on the Zambia Police to investigate whether Kambwili’s company performed works amounting to the figure he’s being claiming ZESCO to owe. We know of tendencies by people like him who would get contracts and upfront payments without executing on the project.

Issued by:
Moses Chilando
Provincial Youth Chairperson, Central Province

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