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Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary ROBERT KAMALATA has urged the Church to get involved in the empowerment programmes that the government is rolling out.

Mr. KAMALATA says this will help the women and youths to create wealth.

He said this at the Mumana Christian Community Church gospel fundraising concert in Lusaka’s Kaunda Square township.

Mr. KAMALATA said the government has released three million Kwacha for youths to get involved in agriculture projects.

He has urged the youths to form cooperatives for them to alleviate poverty in the church and in their community.

Mr. KAMALATA noted that it is government’s desire to ensure a conducive environment is created for all the Zambians to realize their potential.

And Revealed word outreach International assistant Pastor MARY MULENGA urged the gathering to be representatives of Christ as God is not pleased with poverty.

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