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KAIZER ZULU still at large


By Beatrice Mfula

Lusaka Resident Magistrate SYLVIA MUNYINYA has given former Presidential Political Advisor KAIZER ZULU’s sureties more time to find him as he is still at large.

This is in a matter where Mr. ZULU is charged with two counts of failure to surrender his Diplomatic Passport when he was no longer entitled to one and failure to appear before the nearest Immigration Officer at the point of entry.

When the matter came up today, Chilubi Member of parliament MULENGA FUBE told the court that Mr. ZULU has called him four times since the last court sitting with the last one having been last evening.

Mr. FUBE told the court that he has informed the arresting officer of the development.

Meanwhile, Lumezi Member of Parliament MUNIR ZULU also told the court that progress has been made in trying to locate the whereabouts of Mr. KAIZER ZULU.

The matter has since been adjourned to September 22nd for the return of bench warrant.

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