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Kabwe’s Pirate Taxis Register with RTSA


Twenty-five taxi operators have now been registered on the Road Transport and Safety Agency -RTSA – system in KABWE Central Province.

This follows a cleanup exercise conducted by the Agency, where over 100 pirate taxis were impounded.

RTSA- Public Relations Manager MUKELA MANGOLWA says the cleanup exercise was conducted after the agency discovered that only three taxis where registered in Kabwe.

Mr. MANGOLWA says the impounding of unlicensed vehicles is an exercise that is being conducted countrywide, with the aim of ensuring that only legal and licensed taxis are on the road.

Speaking to ZNBC News in Kabwe, Mr. MANGOLWA said the Agency is no longer prosecuting offenders but has given them the option of regularizing their operations by obtaining road service licenses.

Mr. MANGOLWA has since assured all taxi operators that the process of obtaining the licenses will be expedited.

He further says all taxi operators will have designated places of operation so that trading centers are not affected by illegal parking and taxi rank operations.

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