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Judiciary and DPP should take public interest into account in HH and 5 others treason case – UPND


The opposition UPND is worried with the delay to take it’s leader Hakainde Hichilema and his co-accused to court for trial in the treason case.

In a statement below to Zambian Eye, General Secretary Stephen Katuka said it is now 30 days from the time the matter was taken to the High Court but Hichilema has not been taken to court.

As UPND we believe that when there is a conflict between public interest and the law, public interest takes precedence.

It has been over 90 days since the imprisonment of the leader of the largest opposition party in Zambia on treason charges that threaten to divide the nation.

Despite a lot having been said by the PF and its leaders, including allegations that Hakainde Hichilema’s lawyers are to blame for his continued incarceration, the reality of the matter is that in Zambia an accused person (and his lawyers) have little or no say as to when such a person is brought to Court.

It is all in the hands of the Director of Public Prosecutions ( DPP ) and the Judiciary.

It has now been over 30 days since HHs committal and yet nothing has been heard from the DPP or indeed from the Judiciary as to when he and other accused persons will be brought to trial to face his accusers.

While it is understood that the DPP and the Judiciary are very busy, it must equally be understood that they have a duty to mother Zambia because justice delayed is justice denied.

A speedy conclusion to this case is a very important step towards healing our divided nation and the onus lies squarely with those two offices to simply do the right thing.

Zambians want to believe that our Judiciary and the DPP are above partisan politics and each of them now has the best opportunity to prove that, not for the sake of HH and his co accused but for mother Zambia and all of us, her citizens and future citizens.

We wait with prayer on our lips.

Issued by:

Stephen Katuka
UPND secretary General

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