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Italy and Malawi congratulate President Lungu

FOREIGN Heads of State and Government have continued to extend congratulatory messages to His Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia on his re-election as Sixth Republican President.

The congratulatory messages are from Their Excellencies Mr. Sergio Mattarella of the Republic of Italy and Professor Arthur Peter Wamutharika of the Republic of Malawi.

In his congratulatory message, Italian President Mr Mattarella expressed confidence that President Lungu will further consolidate the traditional democracy which characterises the Republic of Zambia.

Mr Mattarella hoped for continued consolidation of the ties of cooperation between Zambia and Italy both at bilateral level, as well as in the framework of the United Nations system during President Lungu’s new mandate.

“Following your election as President of the Republic of Zambia, I wish to convey to you, on behalf of the people of Italy and from me personally, the most fervent congratulations for your confirmation at the helm of your country,” President Mattarella said.

Malawian President Prof. Wamutharika said President Lungu’s is a clear indication of the trust and confidence that the people of Zambia have in His policies and the Patriotic Front that the President will move Zambia forward.

Prof. Wamutharika assured the President of His continued cooperation and support of the Zambian people with whom Malawi shares common cultural heritage and history.

“It is with great pleasure that l on behalf of government, the people of the Republic of Malawi and indeed on my behalf, write to congratulate you upon your resounding victory in the General elections recently held in your country,” President Wamutharika said.

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