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IG directs police commissioners to reduce roadblocks

Police Chief Kakoma Kanganja

Police Chief Kakoma Kanganja

Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja has directed all Provincial Police Commissioners to implement the directive by government on the reduction of permanent security and traffic check points.

He has since communicated to Police Commissioners to ensure that all police officers adhere to the Parliamentary pronouncement made by Minister of Home Affairs, Hon Stephen Kampyongo.

Kanganja has warned of stern action against any officer who will be found operating outside the recognized security and traffic check points.

The Traffic section has been advised to complement the remaining checkpoints with increased motorised patrols to ensure that there is observance of laws and regulations.

He has also warned of stringent action against all officers who have a tendency of engaging themselves in corrupt activities during police operations and that his command has put in place mechanisms to detect and bring to book all those who would be found wanting.

This is according to a statement made available to Zambian Eye by police spokesperson Esther Mwaata Katongo.

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