HH’s Wife joins campaigns in Central province

Hichilema with his wife at a rally

Hichilema with his wife at a rally

Opposition UPND presidential candidate Hakainde Hichilema has continued with his campaign trail in Central province.

On Wednesday, Hichilema who is the main challenger to incumbent president Edgar Lungu addressed campaign rallies in Katuba, Nangoma and Mumbwa constituencies.

Central province rally MutintaThe UPND strongman was joined by his wife Mutinta who hails from Nangoma constituency.

He addressed four rallies starting with Mwanjuni, Muchenje in Katuba Constituency, then Nangoma and ended with Mumbwa Constituency.

Central province rally 2“We thank the people in these areas for turning up in numbers to listen to our message anchored on the 10 Point Plan for Zambia.

HH speaking at a rally

HH speaking at a rally

We fully appreciate their development challenges and we have a clear vision and alternative solutions in agriculture, tourism, mining and value addition industries that will create jobs for our people.

We take this opportunity to thank all those who joined and followed our Mumbwa rally through live streaming.

We are in Bauleni Compound in Lusaka tomorrow afternoon so you are invited to attend or join our live streaming and follow our message throughout the world.

Many thanks for your support and encouragement and may God bless you all,” Hichilema or HH said.

Hichilema winds up his campaigns in Central province, campaigns in Lusaka central constituency of Bauleni ward before he heads to Western province. He is expected to hold a mega rally in Mongu on Saturday.

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