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By Mushota Mpundu-President EDGAR LUNGU has donated an assortment of learning tools to 60 primary and secondary schools in Kalulushi district of the Copperbelt.

Among the items donated are 60 desktop computers, 75 laptops, and solar equipment as well as design and technology tools.

Kalulushi District Commissioner STEVEN KAINGA, who flagged off the distribution exercise in the district witnessed by school head teachers, said President LUNGU is passionate about improving education standards in schools.

Mr. KAINGA thanked the head of state for coming to the aid of learners who will easily have access to advanced technology.

The District Commissioner also cautioned the beneficiaries against misuse of the materials.

And Kalulushi District Education Board Secretary PATRICK KAONGA said the donation is a milestone as it will improve learning standards in schools.

Kalulushi Secondary School Head teacher PATHIAS MWANSA thanked the Head of State for responding to the needs of the schools in the district.

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