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Don’t politicise availability of medicines-Nalumango


Hannock Kasama-Vice President MUTALE NALUMANGO says there is no acute shortage of medicine in the hospitals country wide contrary to the perception being created by some politicians.

Mrs.NALUMANGO has called on politicians not to politicize the issue of medicines as their negative remarks might discourage people from seeking medical attention, a situation that could trigger the loss of lives.

Mrs.NALUMANGO says currently the availability of medicine in hospitals country wide is not less than 70 percent.

She says despite the challenges in the procurement of medicine government is equal to task to change the picture in 2023.
Mrs. NALUMANGO said this in an interview with ZNBC News in LUSAKA after presenting hampers to newly bone babies at the University Teaching Hospital-UTH and LEVY MWANAWASA Teaching Hospital.

Meanwhile Mrs.NALUMANGO has encouraged mothers to prioritize indigenous food not only to boost their nutrition but also for their children.

She says good nutrition contributes to efforts to improve immunity against diseases.

Six New year babies have been recorded at LEVY MWANAWASA Teaching Hospital while UTH welcomed three of them.

UTH Ward “B” Sister in Charge MONICA CHANDA says the health institution is efficiently taking care of the babies and their mothers.

In separate interviews two of the mothers ANNA LUO and BLESSINGS MWANZA thanked God for their newly born babies.

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