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DEC Search RTSA CEO Soko’s House


By Patrick Mulenga-A combined team of investigative wings has searched the house of Road Transport and Safety Agency -RTSA- Chief Executive Officer Zindaba Soko.The search which was conducted last night was led by officers from the Drug Enforcement Commission -DEC-, Anti-Corruption Commission and Zambia police.DEC Commissioner Alita Mbahwe has confirmed the development to ZNBC news in Lusaka today.Ms. Mbahwe could not disclose what the officers were looking for.She however said the commission together with other investigative wings have the right to search the property of anyone they are investigating.Ms. Mbahwe also said there no witch-hunt in raiding Mr. Soko’s house.She further said the nation will be informed in due course about the findings of the search. Post Views: 9
News Source: ZNBC

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