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By Patricia Banda -Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary KENNEDY MALAMA has disclosed that the vaccination of first dose of Astra Zeneca will start tomorrow July 9th, 2021

Dr MALAMA says health workers and the elderly should take advantage of the gesture.

He says Government remains committed to ensuring that all vaccines coming in the country are administered to the people and that there should not be panic over the vaccine.

Dr MALAMA explained that so far 142,198 people have been fully vaccinated with Astrazeneca vaccine.

He said this during daily update of COVID 19 at the Ministry of Health offices today.

And Lusaka Province Medical Director CONSTAIN MWALE said his office will tomorrow facilitate the process of vaccinations in Lusaka and that there should not be any need to panic.

Meanwhile, Dr MALAMA explained that the number of active cases has reduced in Lusaka and that 53 people died of the COVID-19 in the last 24 hours.

He said this is a good sign but indicated that more needs to be done because positive cases are still at 20 percent.

And Dr MALAMA has announced that in the last 24 hours 1,453 have tested positive out of 6,484 cases tested.

He pointed out that positive cases can reduce if only the community can continue to adhere to guidelines against COVID 19 that have been laid down.

The permanent secretary has however expressed disappointment that bar owners are still not complying to COVID 19 guidelines.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Health Director Clinical care and Diagnostic ALEX MAKUPE said there is still enough bed spaces for COVID 19 patients with the centers that have been opened.

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