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Concourt Issues Lungu with an Ultimatum


By Beatrice Mfula

The Constitutional Court has issued an ultimatum that former President EDGAR LUNGU must by November 17, 2023, file an affidavit in reply to a petition on his eligibility for the 2021 General Election and future ones.

Constitutional Court Judge PALAN MULONDA has also ordered the petitioner MICHELO CHIZOMBE , a LUSAKA businessman to file a counter reply on November 24,2023.

His ruling comes on the backdrop of the petition filed by Mr. CHIZOMBE on  October 9, 2023 in the Constitutional Court.

Mr. CHIZOMBE is seeking the court’s declaration  that former President EDGAR LUNGU was not eligible for the Presidential bid in 2021 nor enjoys constitutional right to contest future Presidential elections.

Mr. . CHIZOMBE  also sought a declaration that Mr. LUNGU’s participation in the 2021 General Election was unconstitutional.

He  further sought a declaration that it was unconstitutional for the Electoral Commission of Zambia -ECZ to accept Mr .LUNGU’s nominations during the elections under review.

Mr. .CHIZOMBE  said  according to Article 106 Sub-Article three of the 2016 Amended Constitution Mr.LUNGU was not eligible to contest the 2016 General Election.

He contended that the sixth President was ineligible because he was sworn in twice as Republican President in 2015 and 2016.

Mr.CHIZOMBE additionally contended that the repealed Article 35 of the 1996 Amended Constitution excluded a person who had been elected twice, from contesting Presidential Elections..

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