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Chief MUMENA calls for radio services in Kalumbila


By Lupindula Mwewa

Chief MUMENA of Kalumbila District in North Western Province has called on government to expand radio services to Kalumbila District, saying the area does not receive radio signal.

The traditional leader says this has led to information gap among members of the public regarding government policies and pronouncements.

Chief MUMENA was speaking when Information and Media Minister CHUSHI KASANDA called on him at his Palace in Kalumbila.

And Ms. KASANDA assured the traditional leader that government will connect all areas that do not have radio signal.

She also assured the traditional leader that government will complete the construction of the North Western Provincial Studios which have stalled since 2014.

Ms. KASANDA said the provincial studios in Southern and North Western Provinces were not constructed despite being fully funded because the areas were regarded as opposition strongholds.

Meanwhile, Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation -ZNBC- acting Director General BRIGHT NKAKA revealed that the corporation has been given 7.5 million kwacha to expand radio services.

Mr. NKAKA said the corporation has already started expanding radio services in areas that do not have radio signal, adding that Kalumbila is one of the places that will also benefit.

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