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Botswana Leader To Official At Lusaka Show In August

Newly sworn in President of Botswana Mr. Mokgweetsi Masisi will this year officiate at the 92nd Zambia Agricultural and Commercial Show in August.

According to a statement by the Zambian Embassy, President Masisi says the occasion will be an opportunity to accelerate growth for local businesses in Zambia and Botswana.

The Head of State said he had accepted the invitation to officiate at the agriculture show extended to him by President Edgar Lungu as it would serve to deepen the existing bilateral relations in trade and investment between the two countries.

President Masisi said this in an interview with the Botswana Press Agency (BOPA) on arrival from Zambia where he had gone to pay a courtesy call on President Lungu.

He said the visit to Zambia was aimed at introducing himself and reassuring his counterpart that he will carry on from where his predecessor left and continue to cultivate and nurture the good bilateral relations between Zambia and Botswana.

And Charge D’ Affaires at the Zambia High Commission in Botswana, Goodwell Lungu says President Masisi’s second visit to Zambia will provide a platform to further strengthen and grow the economic interests of the two nations.

Lungu said trade relations between the two nations have continued to register positive growth and the visit by President Masisi to grace the Agricultural show will further cement ties between the two neighbours.

He further said the bilateral construction of the mega Kazungula Bridge Project will enhance trade and investment between the two countries.

President Masisi met President Lungu on Thursday last week and the two leaders discussed bilateral and regional issues.

Zambia and Botswana will this year also mark 50 years of formal Diplomatic Relations having formally established bilateral ties and cooperation in 1968.

The post Botswana Leader To Official At Lusaka Show In August appeared first on Zambia Reports.

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