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Adhere to 5 golden rules on Covid-19- Mulenga tells Christians

Frank Ching’ambu– Minister of Youth,Sport and Child Development, Emmanuel Mulenga has implored Christians across the country not to relent on the prescribed COVID 19 guidelines even as they seek the face of God on the matter.
Mr.Mulenga said today at Ndola’s People’s church that there is need for Christians to follow the guidelines on COVID 19 as advised by the ministry of health to avert further spread of the pandemic.
ZANIS reports that Mr. Mulenga said it is disheartening that the pandemic has continued claiming many people’s lives including those of key human resource.
“There is need to ensure that we follow all the guidelines that the government through the ministry of health has put up. This will help to protect ourselves and our families including communities where we live,” Mr. Mulenga said.
He also emphasised the need for people embrace steaming further urging that those with symptoms related to Covid 19 should quickly seek medical attention.
He said government through the ministry of health among other stakeholders is determined to fight the spread of the Coronavirus and that this can only be possible if members of the community, churches inclusive, adhere to the protocols.

“We should as Christians continue doing our part in ensuring that we stick to the prescribed guidelines on COVID 19 as we surrender everything to the Lord to do the rest,” Mr. Mulenga who is also a church elder at the congregation said.

And in his sermon, elder Matthews Mwale said he is happy that the church has taken a huge step in ensuring that members adhere to the prescribed measures.

Elder Mwale said members of the church should as well seek God’s presence even as they adhere to the Covid 19 protocols.
He said this God is communicating something to the world through COVID 19 and that people should not relent in prayer adding they should ever look up to the cross so that they can live in the Covid 19 era.
Elder Mwale said it’s God that has the solution to the Coronavirus that has continued causing harm on humanity and that the solution can only be revealed through genuine prayers.
” The country has been infested by snakes in the name of Covid 19 like was the case to the Israelites on their journey into the promised land.They only solution now is that  people should turn their homes into prayer chambers as they adhere to the given guidelines,” he said.

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