By Hector Simfukwe:
President Hakainde Hichilema has appointed and sworn in Situmbeko Musokotwane as Minister of  Finance.
Dr Musokotwane, who served as Minister of Finance under the Rupiah Banda’s MMD Administration between 2008 to 2011, was sworn in at a ceremony at State House.
This marks President Hichilema’s First Cabinet Appointment since he assumed power three days ago.
And, President Hichilema says the Ministry of Finance will play a key role in fulfilling government’s promises to the people especially the youth.
President Hichilema says the Ministry is expected to play a huge role in turning around the economy so that more jobs can be created.
The President  has urged Dr. Musokwane to formulate a progressive budget away from consumption.
The Head of State also announced that he is taking over a country whose confers are empty.
President Hichilema said despite the coffers being empty there is need for government to show the public that it means well for them by using the resources prudently.
He said as one of the measures to save public resources, huge delegations to meetings will not be allowed from now going forward.
President Hichilema said public workers will also not be allowed to travel in business class and first class.
The President has also called for the ceiling of all financial leakages in government.
He said illicit financial flows and corruption will not be allowed in Zambia.
And President Hichilema has instructed the Finance Minister to ensure that decentralizsation of decision making is promoted in the country.
He said people in other regions of the country should be allowed to make decisions on issues affecting them such as procurement as opposed to everything being done in Lusaka.
President Hichilema said his government is now pre-occupied with the provision of jobs, education and water to the people among others.
The President also said debt dismantling will be given a priority hence the need to prudently use the resources.
Meanwhile, President Hichilema has appealed to the country to be patient with him as he appoints his cabinet.
He said the idea is to be practical so that he can appoint competent Zambians to serve the citizens.
President Hichilema also urged those who may be waiting for appointments to exercise patience.
The President said he will only appoint Zambian who qualify for the jobs to save the people.