By Etambuyu Katota:

Government is concerned that Climate Change will have more devastating impact on the county’s economy than the COVID-19 pandemic if not addressed.

Water Development Sanitation and Environmental Protection Permanent Secretary Mabvuto Sakala says nature loss, water and air pollution need immediate interventions.

Mr. Sakala says ecosystems contribute to the livelihood and well-being of Zambians hence the need to promote healthy ecosystems.

He was speaking during the commemoration of the annual world environmental day held under the theme ecosystem restoration.

And Lands Permanent Secretary Ndashe Yumba called on citizens to come together to improve ecosystems that have been degraded.

Mr. Yumba said without healthy environments it is likely to affect water development.

He said protection of water bodies and all its sources is important as water plays a critical role in the development of the country.




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