Govt Deregisters Kambwili’s NDC

The government has de-registered Chishimba Kambwili’s National Democratic Congress (NDC) party on account of not having an operative constitution.

Former party secretary general Mwenya Musenge took Kambwili, the former information minister, and his secretary general Bridget Atanga, to court for carrying themselves out as leaders of the opposition party without following procedure.

The court ruled that the NDC had not yet adopted its constitution and for all intents and purposes, the modus operandi of the political party had not yet been ‘birthed’ and found that the party had an inoperative constitution and dismissed the case in its entirety for being incompetently before the court.

Following the court’s ruling, Registrar of Societies Thandiwe Mhende invoked Section 13(2) (A) of the Societies Act Cap 119 of the Laws of Zambia and cancelled NDC’s registration on August 21, 2019.

“The NDC therefore ceased to exist on the 21st of August, 2019. All former members of the defunct NDC are advised to desist from conducting any political activities. ANy person who disregards the above cancellation shall be dealt with in accordance with the law,” stated Ministry of Home Affairs public relations officer Nephas Chifuta. “The Ministry of Home Affairs would like to take this opportunity to appeal to all societies to abide by the terms and rules of their constitutions, as read together with the Republican Constitution and the Societies Act CAP 119 of the Laws of Zambia.”

News source: Zambia Reports

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