Same old Story

It’s another season where teams from the tourist capital fail to clinch promotion to playoffs in view of bringing super and national division one football to Livingstone.

The fight to win promotion started years back before even those who are playing now were born, teams have come and gone. The likes of Castex, Communite FC just to mention but a few trying to break through but nothing only Blue Arrows who came close in the early 2000’s nearly brought it home only to lose at the last minute and season in season out it has always been in the top 8.

In Southern province, it has been always Nakambala Leopards who have been winning promotion gracing Mazabuka with elite football and the rest have been Lusaka and kabwe teams winning.

The net started to widen recently as Green eagles dropped in Choma and Superleague was born there giving courage to AM Welding FC to became the second Choma team to win promotion but later moved to Ndola and changed its name to the now Buildcon FC.

Monze becomes the third town to be graced with elite football when New Monze Swallows won promotion for the first time and teams travelled three times to southern province though they didn’t last long in it as they were relegated after a single season.

Last season it went back to the sweet town of Mazabuka were newcomers F.C MUZA won it with Maramba Stars and Zesco Vic Falls coming so close to bringing it down Livingstone but it was Mazabuka people who had two teams to watch each weekend.

The 2019 season has been a roller coaster for the tourist teams mixed with managerial changes where we saw landlords Livingstone pirates, Maramba stars and Zesco Vic Falls all having new head coaches and players start the season from game one but couldn’t turn things around with results not going as they thought and wished. Only newcomers Blue Arrows stuck with their coach and players who qualified them to Zone four from Division two just adding a few to it’s a roaster.

The airmen did the most of all Livingstone teams though even they failed to bring National league to Livingstone after losing out on the last day. The playoff spot went to western province to Zesco Shockers who won it on the last day and are nearing the promised land of Superleague with only Kansanshi Dynamos standing in their way of taking Super League football to Mongu for the first time, For National league Kafue,Mumbwa, Sinazongwe and Maamba will enjoy that action as for the tourist capital its back to the drawing board yet again.

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