Siavonga DC cancels all political meetings until after farming season, directs police to arrest


Lovemore Kanyama

Siavonga DC Lovemore Kanyama has directed Police to cancel all political gatherings and arrest those who will not abide.

Kanyama says the DA officials from Lusaka were in the district disturbing Farmers who he says are supposed to be busy farming.

In a press statement below obtained by Zambian Eye, Kanyama has warned that those farmers who will not follow his orders risk being arrested with politicians.

Am urging the Lusaka based DA political party officials to stop disturbing siavonga farmers from concentrating on farm work.

DA is warned to immediately stop organising and disturbing farmers who are busy attending to farm work so as to attend their unproductive meetings being called in the district by the DA top leadership.

The Siavonga police command is directed to cancel all political meetings in the district until after the farming season. Farmers are abandoning farm work thinking that there is free money being dished out by the DA officials who are currently in the district.

If we let these political gathering continue, it will lead the district into recording a poor 2018-2019 harvest. I’m therefore ordering those involved to immediately stop or face arrest once spotted in the district .And to the farmers, stay away from such unproductive political gatherings and concentrate on farm work or else you will equally be picked up together with those individuals organising illegal political party meetings.

Lovemore Kanyama

Siavonga DC

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