The Economy is broken, I will fix it, says Hakainde Hichilema
THE economy is broken and only UPND can fix it because the current PF leadership has no vision as admitted by themselves Say Hakainde Hichilema.
Mr Hichilema was speaking during his appearance on Radio Phoenix this morning. He said the PF do not have a plan for the country. ” They launched their campaign but couldn’t not tell the nation what they intended to do. They were waiting for us to say our plan so that they can copy” said Mr Hichilema.
He said his party want to diversify the economy with the 10 point plan which has put emphasis on Job creation and citizen empowerment, Educate citizens, Electrify Zambia, Diversification, Fight Corruption, Cut Government waste, Agriculture development, stable and consistent policies and good governance.
The UPND leader said he has competent people on his team that will transform this country and that his government will introduce e-governance to rule this country and create a professional civil service. Mr Hichilema condemned the violence that has been going on in the country and he says his government will bring back law and order in markets and bus stations and all sectors in the Zambian Society.
Mr Hichilema says that he will create a robust economy lowering the cost of producing maize which will lower the cost of mealie meal and return support the vulnerable in Society.