Tanzanian First Lady thanks TB Joshua

unnamed (2)Tanzanian First Lady Janeth Magufuli thanked Nigerian ‘Prophet’ TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of all Nations  in recognition of his efforts to help elders, the physically challenged and the less privileged.

Mama Janeth expressed gratitude when awarding the assistance of food, clothing, medicine and equipment in the station NKASEKA  located district Masasi in Mtwara region.

After handing over the assistance Mama Janeth she appealed to managers raising centers of Elderly, physically challenged and less privileged people.

And the wife of Prime Minister Mrs. Mary Majaliwa has asked stakeholders to continue to support these efforts to help groups of people with special needs.

Moreover Mama Janeth Magufuli thanked SUPERDOLL and CRDB Bank for supporting her efforts to deal with the challenges faced by the elderly.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/kNzHvl9d8oo