ECZ maintenance stance

The Electoral Commission of Zambia -ECZ -has maintained that Al Ghurair Printing and Publishing Company of Dubai will print the ballot papers for the August 11, 2016 General Election.


The ECZ says there has never been any material presented before it to warrant the cancellation of the contract awarded to Al Ghurair Printing and Publishing Company.


ECZ Chairperson Esau Chuulu says the Dubai Printing Firm best fulfilled the technical specifications of the tender dossier and best responded to the pre-established evaluation criteria.


Justice Chuulu says the Zambia Public Procurement Authority -ZPPA- did not find anything wrong with the procurement process for printing of ballot papers.


He was speaking during the Electoral stakeholders’ meeting in Lusaka.


And Justice Chuulu said the commission will sponsor political parties’ agents to Dubai to witness the printing, packaging and dispatching of ballot papers.


He said the political parties’ agents will also witness the landing of ballot papers in Zambia and verify them prior to distribution to district and polling stations country wide.


Meanwhile Justice Chuulu said the 2011 Register and 2015/2016 Provisional Register will be used to ascertain registered voters and candidates during nomination.


On the other hand no Presidential candidate has filed nomination after the opening of nominations yesterday.


ECZ Public Relations Manager Chris Akufuna said on Monday that, Thursday and Friday are the only confirmed dates when some Presidential candidates will file nominations – ECZ.