Ministers not on the list of adopted candidates

Some Ministers are not on the list of the August election adopted parliamentary candidates for the ruling Patriotic Front (PF).


So far according to the list seen by Zambian Eye, from the Copperbelt province, the following prominent Ministers have been left out.


Minister Shamenda

Minister Shamenda

Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda from Ndola Central, Community Development Minister Joseph Katema from Chingola and former Agriculture Minister Wilbur Simuusa.


Former Minister of Commerce Emmanuel Chenda from Bwana Mukubwa has moved to Keembe constituency in Central province.


Former Itezhi Tezhi MP Greyford Monde who is Live stock Minister has been adopted to recontest his seat on PF ticket with his Katuba counterpart Jonas Shakafuswa.


Below is the list for the two provinces:




Dr Chishimba Kambwili (Roan), Mwenya Musenge (Chimwemwe), Steve Chungu (Luanshya Central), Richard Musukwa (Chililabombwe), Yamfwa Mukanga (Kantanshi), Joe Malanji (Kwacha), Emmanuel Mulenga (Ndola Central), Ms Kampamba Mulenga (Kalulushi), Mathews Nkuwa (Chingola), Chilombo (Nchanga), Kingfred Chisanga (Chifubu), Michael Katambo (Masaiti), Energy Permanent Secretary Bishop Edward Chomba (Kankoyo).




Mr. T Ngulube (Kabwe central), Mr D. Sikwesha (Chisamba), Jonas Shakafuswa (Katuba), Emmanuel Chenda (Keembe), Mr S. Mushanga (Bwacha), Mr C. Siingwa (Kapiri), Mr C. Chiyalika (Ngabwe), Ms D. Mwape (Mkushi North) Hon Chisopa (Mkushi South), Hon Kosau (Serenje Central), Hon. Simbyakula (Muchinga), Mr C. Mutale (Chitambo), Mr S. Nshimbi (Nangoma), Hon Greyford Monde (Itezhi Tezhi).